About the Course

This is the undergraduate computer networks course. The broad objective of the course is to understand - (i) the architecture and principles of today's computer networks, (ii) the protocols and their functionalities, (iii) the requirements for the future Internet and its impact on the computer network architecture.

In this course, we'll broadly cover the basic TCP/IP protocol stack and touch on the next generation computer networks. We'll take a top-down approach to cover different protocols at the TCP/IP protocol stack.

Books and Reference Materials:

  1. Computer Networking: A Top - Down Approach, by James Kurose, Keith Ross
  2. Computer Networks - Andrew S Tanenbaum
  3. Computer Networks: A Systems Approach Book by Bruce S. Davie and Larry L. Peterson
  4. TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, (IBM Redbook) - Download From http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/gg243376.html
  5. TCP/IP Guide, Charles M. Kozierok, Available Online - http://www.tcpipguide.com/
  6. Request for Comments (RFC) - IETF - http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html
  7. Research Publications - will be discussed and distributed time to time

Course Credit


Class Time



NR-213 (Section 1 - Odd Roll Numbers)
NR-314 (Section 2 - Even Roll Numbers)

Grading Scheme

Class Test: 20%
Mid Sem: 30%
End Sem: 45%
Attendance: 5%

DIscussion Forum

Microsoft Teams Channels


Welcome and Introduction

Presentation Slides

Topic 1

History of the Internet and Internet Architecture

Presentation Slides

Additional materials:

Topic 2

Application Layer Protocols

Presentation Slides

Additional materials:

Topic 3