About the Course

How many hours a day do you use a computer? The computer is no longer limited to desktop computers- your smartphone, smartwatch, earphone, and smart band- all these are computers nowadays, doing computing in some form. They can sense you, your environment, context, behavior, and many things. Have you ever wondered about their capability or how they sense such diverse environmental contexts? Such devices are pervasive, mobile, personalized, and user-friendly -- so we call them ubiquitous -- thus supporting 'computing anywhere and everywhere.' This course will help you learn how these devices use pervasive sensing technologies and intelligent computing paradigms to sense humans and their environment, context, and activities. Consequently, this course intersects many other subjects, such as physics, mathematics, signal processing, machine learning, algorithm design and optimization, and human-computer interactions.

This course will have four broad modules: (1) Location, gesture and activity sensing, (2) Interaction sensing, (3) Context sensing, and (4) Environment sensing. In addition, we'll also discuss the security, confidentiality, ethics, and trust models associated with all these sensing paradigms. We'll look into different sensors and devices, various sensing modalities ranging from locomotive sensing to wireless, acoustic, and RF sensing, how they get integrated, how we can develop low-cost, low-resource learning models to process the data collected from those sensors, how the information is interpreted, how do we infer causality, and finally, how such various methods are combined to infer the final decision.

Additionally, you'll also do some hands-on experiments to program and run models on devices like smartphones and embedded sensors to extract human behavior and contextual information from the collected data. In this process, you'll also learn how to handle real-time noisy sensor data and apply machine learning or deep learning models on top of them.

Course Credit


Class Time

Wed 11:00 - 12:00
Thurs 12:00 - 13:00
Fri 08:00 - 09:00



Course Instructors

Sandip Chakraborty

Teaching Assistants

Argha Sen
Prasenjit Karmakar


Assignments: 35%
Mid Sem: 25%
End Sem: 35%
Attendance: 5%

Reference Books and Reading Materials:

  1. Ubiquitous Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interactions, by Stefan Poslad, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0470035603
  2. Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals, by John Krumm, Chapman and Hall/CRC, ISBN: 978-1420093605
  3. Research papers from conferences (ACM MobiSys, ACM SenSys, ACM/IEEE IPSN, ACM MobiCom, IEEE PerCom, ACM CHI, ACM MobileHCI) and Journals (ACM IMWUT, ACM TOSN, ACM TOIT, IEEE TMC)

Term projects

There will be a term project assigned to each group (2-3 members group). Please check the Introduction slides to know more about the term projects.



Objectives of the Course, What is Ubiquitous Computing

Presentation Slides

Topic 1

The Fundamentals of Motion Traking

Basic Principles of Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs)

Presentation Slides

Topic 2

Odometry to Motion Tracking

Tracking Arm Movements from a Smartwatch

Presentation Slides
ArmTrak Paper

Topic 3

Rethinking the Fundamentals

Reducing Errors in Orientation and Location Estimation

Presentation Slides
MUSE Paper

Topic 4

Human Activity Recognition

IMU-based HAR Classifier Design

Presentation Slides
ColloSSL Paper

Topic 5

Contactless Sensing: Fundamentals

Basics of Signal Processing

Presentation Slides

Topic 6

WiFi Sensing

Measuring and Using CSI for WiFi Sensing

Presentation Slides

Topic 7

mmWave Sensing

Sensing with mmWave Radars

Presentation Slides

Topic 8


The notion of context in UbiComp

Presentation Slides

Topic 9

Energy Harvesting

RF Energy harvesting, Batteryless Sensing

Presentation Slides

Topic 10

Ethical Aspects of UbiComp

Ethical Aspects of Human Data Collection and AI Models for Ubiquitous Computing

Presentation Slides

Topic 11